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Is Christmas a pagan holiday?
Is Christmas a Christian holiday? Christmas was not celebrated by early Americans because it was a heathen holiday celebrated by Catholics in Europe who worshipped fir trees (Jeremiah 10:2-4 KJV) because fir trees defied death by keeping their green leaves all winter long. But if it weren't for the celebration of one Christmas holiday, the United States might not exist today. By the winter of 1776 America's Christians had given up all hope of success in their war against England. America's General George Washington had lost battle after battle to the British and with inexperienced troops and supplies running out, it was just a matter of time until Washington would have to surrender.
When winter finally arrived, General Washington and his tattered army retreated to the safety of the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River. His men were not equipped to deal with the winter cold, and there were less than 400 troops remaining from his original army of 20,000. It was now increasingly clear that the American Revolution was destined for failure. Washington was very short on food and supplies, and begged for help from Congress, but Congress was now in complete disarray and worried about its own future. Washington was backed into a corner with no way out and desperately needed a miracle to save him. But believe it or not, on Christmas Day, 1776, that miracle actually occurred!
Learn the true story about how this Christmas miracle changed the entire course of American history. Click the secure link below to order your copy of Edward Oliver's book and learn the true story of how a pagan holiday saved the American Revolution from failure.
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