Some of the most important but misunderstood prophecies in the Bible are the prophecies of Daniel. The Daniel prophecies hold the key to successfully deciphering many later Bible prophecies. The prophecies were received by Daniel while he was held in captivity in Babylon. They help to establish the chronology of the biblical "beasts," or empires, destined to rule over God's people in future times.
When Babylon's great King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream that none of his astrologers can explain, it is the Hebrew prophet Daniel who successfully reveals the meaning of the dream to the king. And then the great King Nebuchadnezzar fell down on his face in front of Daniel, and commanded that they should offer oblations and sweet odors to him. Then the king spoke to Daniel saying "It is true that your god is a god of gods, and a lord of lords and a revealer of great secrets now that he has revealed these secrets to me." Then the king made Daniel great in Babylon and offered him many gifts and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief over all of the governors of the wise men and astrologers.
Sometime later Daniel receives a vision of his own concerning events that will occur in the future, but he is unable to understand the vision. He asks for the help of an angel, and learns that his vision concerns the Babylonian Empire, and three empires (beasts) that will eventually follow it in history. Before he leaves Babylon, Daniel will receive all the knowledge concerning the chain of empires that will rule over the Hebrews until the End of Time.
1. The Kingdom of Egypt
2. The Babylonian Empire
3. The Persian Empire (the Ram - Cyrus)
4. The Kingdom of Greece (the He-Goat - Alexander)
5. The Roman Empire
6. The Holy Roman Empire
7. Empire of 1st Antichrist
8. Empire of 2nd Antichrist (a man of fierce countenence)
If you'd like to review all the details of the visions of the prophet Daniel and gain a greater understanding of Bible prophecy, simply click on one of the secure book links on this webpage to order your book by Edward Oliver.
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